Die Mission Innovation verfolgt das Ziel, bis zum Jahr 2030 weltweit 100 Hydrogen Valleys aufzubauen, wobei jedes der Mitglieder die Errichtung mindestens drei dieser Valleys anstrebt. WIVA P&G möchte hierzu interessierte Akteur:innen von Unternehmen,...
USC- Flex Store project results & video Seasonal energy storage in forms of renewable gases will play an important role in future energy systems. As the expansion of renewable electricity production means that production and demand do not coincide...
The basis for establishing a hydrogen economy is a well performing hydrogen logistic system. Hydrogen logistics: Pipeline, Container and sector coupeling have been our focus at the WIVA P&G Erfahrungsaustausch Wasserstofflogistik on 4th of July 2023 at the Green...