Hydrogen Trains!? Review and presentations

von | Juli 24, 2024 | HyTrain, News

On June 25th, the consortium partners of the Austrian research flagship project “WIVA P&G HyTrain” met at the Green Energy Center Europe in Innsbruck with international players from the railroad industry and research institutions to exchange knowledge and experience on the latest development status of hydrogen trains.

Presentations for download:

Introduction to the R&D Flagship Project WIVA P&G HyTrain, Niusha SHAKIBI NIA, FEN System

Comparison of Drive Trains in the Rail Sector, Maximilian WEBER, HyCentA

Flirt H2, Stefan BERNSDORF, Stadler Rail

Development and Demonstration of a bi-mode Fuel Cell Train in EU Project FCH2RAIL, Holger DITTUS, DLR

Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine in the Rail Sector, Roland FORTENBACH, BOSCH

Video summary of the event on Youtube