The consortium of the project ZEUS – Zero Emissions throUgh Sectorcoupling, cordially invites you to the 1st Austrian Symposium on CO₂ Conversion Technologies – an interdisciplinary event that presents innovative approaches and forward-looking concepts for the utilisation of CO₂ in Austria and Europe. The aim of this symposium is to provide an overview of established and developing technologies for the use of CO₂ and to promote dialogue between science, industry and politics.
Registration I Austrian Symposium on CO2 Conversion Technologies
Program overview
09:15 – Arrival & coffee
09:45 – Welcome by Wolfgang Schöfberger (JKU) & Gregor Offenthaler (WIVA P&G)
Official opening by:
- the Rector of JKU – Stefan Koch
- Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences – Alois Ferscha
10:00 – 12:00 – Block 1: Industrial Process Engineering & Sector Coupling / moderated by Gregor Offenthaler (WIVA P&G)
Michael Derntl (K1-MET) – ZEUS – Zero Emissions troUgh Sectorcoupling
Dieter Muller (NOV Norway) –
Andreas Rath (Andritz) –
Person tba (AVL) –
12:00 – Lunch break
Opportunity for exchange and networking.
13:00 – Block 2: Electrochemical Conversion & Catalysis / moderated by Wolfgang Schöfberger (JKU)
Ulf Peter Apfel (Fraunhofer Umsicht / Germany) – Pressurizing Electrochemical CO₂ Reduction: Advancing Sector Coupling for a Greener Industry
Alisson Marques (GAFT Netherlands) – CO2 Electrolysis at Pilot Scale: A European Success Story and Its Role for a Net-Zero Aviation Future
Csaba Janaky (University of Szeged / Hungary) – Lessons learned during the lab-to-tech transition of our CO₂ electrolyzer technology
Dominik Krisch (JKU) – Molecularly tailoring electrocatalysts for efficient CO₂ reduction
15:00 – Coffee break
15:30 – Block 3: Geological, Mineral & Circular Carbon Pathways / moderated by Wolfgang Schöfberger (JKU)
Hans Böhm (Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz) – Circular Carbon – Comparative economic and ecological analysis insights
Sarah Reiter (Montanuniversität Leoben) – CO₂-sequestration via carbonation: Opportunities and Challenges
Benedikt Hasibar (RAG AG) – C-CED: CO₂ conversion in the underground
17:00 – Final discussion
17:30 – Networking
Use the evening to make further contacts and exchange ideas in an informal setting.
19:00 – Official end of the event
The consortium of the ZEUS project is looking forward to welcome you in Linz!
This event is made possible through co-financing of Klima- & Energiefonds & FFG.