Hydrogen Region East Austria goes Live

Project description

The project aims to develop a Hydrogen Valley as the key for hydrogen technology and applications in the region of Eastern Austria. This is because Eastern Austria offers the perfect environment to demonstrate the implementation of an integrated value chain of production, storage, distribution, and consumption of H2. In this context, the different partners of the project are divided into clusters, according to their core competences and activities, and presented graphically. Since each cluster covers only a fraction of the green hydrogen value chain, the involvement of strong regional key players from the entire spectrum of the value chain is critical for success.

H2 Real Map

The H2REAL Valley deployment will create a strong cooperation across clusters and regions, through which the Hydrogen Economy in Eastern Austria develops. The cooperation with the model regions Green Energy Lab and Energy Lab and New Energy for Industry will also be institutionalized and a project advisory board established.

Project goals

The results of H2REAL will enable final more efficient and effective demonstration projects and consequently sustainable scale-up projects on a supra-regional basis.


Contribution of partners

Within the framework of H2REAL, Wien Energie GmbH is implementing several demonstrators. These include, for example, a 3MW electrolyzer that will produce green hydrogen from 2024 onward. In addition, a first field test is carried out at the Donaustadt power plant, where up to 15% hydrogen is added to natural gas normally used. The results of this test will form a basis for similar future projects.

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Based on long experience, AIT will contribute and expand knowledge about hydrogen technologies and their individual characteristics in integrated energy system models for all sectors. By building a digital twin of a region for operational optimization, AIT will contribute to the optimization of the Valley.

Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
The competence of EI-JKU lies in the implementation of hydrogen technologies in a systemic context. The analyses of EI-JKU deal with feasibility studies on economic quantifications or possible replacement system costs. The aim is to provide a holistic picture of the impact of the establishment of innovative technologies on the future energy system.

HyCentA Research GmbH
HyCentA carries out research and development projects on the production, distribution, storage and application of hydrogen in an international network of industrial and academic partners. The various demonstrators provide the opportunity to further develop simulation methods and to progress the topic of performance monitoring and life cycle management.

Technische Universität Wien Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Umwelttechnik und Technische Biowissenschaften
TU Vienna will contribute its knowledge in energy efficient separation technology through interaction with partners in H2REAL and will have the opportunity to design and operate laboratory scale hydrogen separation plants based on electrochemical separation/compression and to develop scenarios for plant expansion and suitable field applications.

WIVA P&G Wasserstoffinitiative Vorzeigeregion Austria Power & Gas
The leading position of the Austrian companies united in WIVA P&G will be strengthened by developing solutions and products that combine green hydrogen production, infrastructure and societal aspects. The project will strengthen Austria’s leading position in technological innovation and product development in the field of green hydrogen.

Austrian Power Grid AG
APG’s core expertise includes modeling, planning, and operating the electricity system, which is under additional strain from increasing the share of renewable power due to fluctuating generation profiles.

Burgenland Energie AG
Energie Burgenland is an energy company that relies 100 percent on wind, sun, water and biomass for energy generation. With an installed power capacity of almost 600 MW, the company has substantial capacity to provide green electricity for hydrogen production or to become a supplier of green hydrogen itself.

Energienetze Steiermark GmbH
Energienetze Steiermark has special knowledge and experience in the field of renewable gas. They will support the implementation of technology in required quality and contribute the experience and know-how from the areas of network construction, control and operation as well as feed-in of renewable energies and gas quality measurement.

Gas Connect Austria owns and operates a pipeline network with connections to Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia as well as storage and production facilities. They are involved as a member in European initiatives such as Hydrogen Europe or the European Hydrogen Backbone and can therefore contribute a lot of of knowledge and experience in this area.

Hafen Wien GmbH
Since spring 2021, the Port of Vienna has been supporting the international Clean Energy Ministerial – Hydrogen Initiative. In April 2022, the project H2 meets H2O started with the aim of an intensive exchange of stakeholders from the fields of infrastructure, shipping and logistics guidelines and to develop a roadmap for the implementation of a hydrogen infrastructure along the Danube.

Linde Gas GmbH
Linde Gas GmbH Austria is a pioneer in the use of hydrogen as an industrial gas in a wide range of applications. Many innovations for establishing a practical, sustainable hydrogen refueling infrastructure were developed in close collaboration with key industry players.

movingpower GmbH
Movingpower has initiated the TRANS2 project, which deals with the transport of hydrogen. Regions with a high demand for green hydrogen are not always regions with a high potential of renewable energy production (and consequently green hydrogen production). For this reason the transport of green hydrogen in pipelines becomes mandatory. This prior knowledge is used for the project.

Netz Burgenland GmbH
In response to challenges associated with maximizing the integration of renewables into the energy system, the company began investigating hydrogen projects at an early stage in order to optimise grid expansion and operation. As an integrated power and gas grid operator with an extensive asset base, the company contributes to the research projects.

Netz Niederösterreich GmbH
R&D projects range from studies to pilot and demonstration plants. Detailed know-how about energy trading and energy markets can also be used for the project. The “Underground Sun Storage 2030” project is part of EVN’s “Green Gas” strategy, which also includes the issue of “power-to-gas” and seasonal storage of renewable energy.

Wiener Linien is making an existing bus line available for the project so that the H2 buses can be tested under real conditions and in passenger operation. A trial with a Solaris hydrogen bus has already been successfully completed. For this purpose, an own provisional refueling system was also set up and tested.

Wiener Netze is focusing particularly on the energy transition so that the existing natural gas infrastructure can be used for the transport and storage of green hydrogen.

Wiener Wasserstoff GmbH
The first hydrogen filling station was built in Vienna/Leopoldau and put into operation in December 2021. The knowledge gained forms the basis for further development steps. The company will also hold ownership of further demonstrators of the H2REAL project (electrolysis plant and filling station).

Windkraft Simonsfeld AG
The focus of Windkraft Simonsfeld is on the technological development of relevant core components for the overall system in the areas of power plant control for hydrogen production and concepts for the efficient integration of the electrolysis plant into the wind farm.

Logo green energy lab

In cooperation with the Green Energy Lab.

Project video

Presentation of the project

Project News

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WIVA P&G Session @ ISEC 2024

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